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Cambridge, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos

Greater Boston Study Group
Código Postal02138
Informações da Região ou do MetrôGreater Boston
Idioma primárioInglês
Dia da ReuniãoDomingo
Hora do Encontro18:00
Regularidade de ReuniãoDuas vezes ao mês
Nome do Contato PrincipalClique para ver
Email de Contato PrincipalClique para ver
Telefone de Contato PrimárioClique para ver

This group has been meeting since fall 2014. Attendance varies, but we typically have around 5 people at each meeting, of various ages, backgrounds, and levels of experience with the Urantia Book. New readers are welcome! I host the meeting in my living room in Cambridge, and I provide tea and a stack of UBs. You're welcome to bring your dinner to eat while we study, as well as a dessert or snack to share. But also feel free to just bring yourself! We are reading sequentially from the beginning, and we pause often to discuss the material. A little about me: I grew up reading the UB, and I'm now a student at Harvard Divinity School. It's been great getting to know other UB readers in the Boston area. I hope you'll join us!

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Grupo de Estudo de O Livro de Urântia.
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