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Tiller, Oregon, États-Unis

"[. . .] discover, recognize, interpret, and choose."
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Code postal97484
Langue principaleAnglais
Journée de réunionsamedi
Heure de réunion12:30 UTC-07:00
Réunion RégularitéHebdomadaire
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"Of all human knowledge, that which is of greatest value is to know the religious life of Jesus and how he lived it." Yes, we do support each other with intellectual understanding of the revelation, but we place a greater emphasis on discovering enhanced meanings and choosing deeper experiences with spiritual values. Our group includes both new readers and life long readers. Not surprisingly, whenever two or more of us get together Jesus shows up, too! And, wow! does that make for great meetings. We are a tolerant* and friendly group that currently includes folks from Hawaii, Oregon, and California. We welcome new readers, doubters, sinners, leaders, anti-vaxxers, Trump supporters, peacemakers, climate change denialist, closed minded progressives, folks who honestly believe there was no election fraud, oligarchs, reformed drug users, and any other stereotypical label you can think of to add to this list provided our guiding principles are honored. * [September 2021 --- This study group willingly incorporates Jesus' Urmia Lectures and the human leadership of Cymboyton as guiding principles for smooth operation. In other words, "intolerance, a contentious spirit, or any other disposition to interfere with the smooth running of the community" will result in a request to leave. This guiding principle does not prevent free-will expression concerning any matter that is troubling the individual person, including issues related to social, economic, or political ideologies associated with the struggling individual. We all pledge to be willing, open, and supportive brothers and sisters in spirit for the growth of each participant and the group as a whole. After all, the fact that the seraphim of the churches and the seraphim of progress could not agree on the midwayer presentation of the Master's teachings at Urmia surly indicates that we lowly humans must practice our willingness to disagree in a way that helps us become more like Him who vivifies us. Thus, we pray for guidance and wisdom as we all learn to recognize moral values and discern spiritual meanings with complete understanding that "all that the human mind can do is to discover, recognize, interpret, and choose."]

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