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San Diego, California, États-Unis

San Diego Study Group Of The Urantia Book
En ligne
VilleSan Diego
Code postal92117
Région ou Metro InfoSouthwest
Langue principaleAnglais
Journée de réunionmercredi
Heure de réunion18:00 UTC-07:00
Réunion RégularitéSemi-mensuel
Nom du contact principalCliquez pour voir
Courriel du contact principalCliquez pour voir
Téléphone principalCliquez pour voir

We gather (lately only via Zoom) from 5:50 pm and start reading and discussing the Urantia Book around 6:10 pm until about 7:40 pm when we begin a social period until about 8:00 pm. We will eventually again meet physically (and also on Zoom). Gourmet decaf coffee will again be served and herb teas available and dessert during the social period. When we do meet in person again, the meeting times will probably need to be adjusted to allow local folks to get supper and drive to my house. (There is also a question about the best way to conduct a joint Zoom & In-person meeting.)

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Annuaire du groupe d'étude du Livre d'Urantia - Tous droits réservés